Team Sprint July 2020

This sprint is open to volunteers from all teams. We will have a group huddle (quick round of intros and goal-setting) from 17.00 - 17.15 AM CEST. Afterwards, we will dive into the tasks and can continue chatting there.
Link for the group huddle call:
Work updates
Hahaha! What is it with MoC and The Office references?? I don't know, but I'm a fan :) (also of the new attachment feature, thanks.)
Task was assigned to Carlos Soto
Task was assigned to Anne Ventura
Status change: Open → In Progress
Hey Kim, From my side, this looks very nice :D Notes: Mind the circle of the logo it is slightly cut. There is an overlay or something on top and …
Thanks Carlos! I actually have been stealing the logo from the website, so the poor quality might be due to that. Do you know where we have the svg files …
How do I do this task ? Where and how should I upload the information ?
Hey everyone, cool to see these. Just some quick comments (let's try to use or develop a consistent font use through MoC and our visuals). Should we use the same …
Status change: In Progress → On Hold
Task was assigned to Carlos Soto
In the library ( go to Library > Upload new publication or use this link: Should be intuitive from there.
Thanks Aris, I really thought the font was Lato, which is what I've been using here. I will change this, and am currently (like polishing this afternoon) a very short …
I am will have a look ot it,
Kim, Maybe this is the one.
Carlos Soto is no longer responsible for this task
New task was created
New font, new logo. You reckon it's still cut off?
Task was completed
This task was created by the system
Task was assigned to Kim Finlay
That looks great! I don't think this might be used in IG but for twitter this is sweet!!
Status change: Open → In Progress
Kim, good idea to write the social media guide. You could use the Editorial Style Guide that we've been compiling as a basis, see here. As for the visual. …
New task was created
Task was assigned to Aristide Athanassiadis
Task was assigned to Gerardo
Status change: Open → In Progress
Hi Anne, the instructions were missing indeed! But they are now in place in the task itself as well.
@Kim: FYI I changed the type to UPLOAD PUBLICATION because that …
New task was created
Task was assigned to Paul Hoekman
Task was completed
This task was created by the system
New task was created
New task was created
Task was assigned to V. Alessio Romano
Status change: Open → In Progress
Hi Ramiro,
Just so you know, the instructions above show you how you can now upload data viz into the system. See if it makes sense - let me know …
Task was completed
This task was created by the system
New task was created
New task was created
Task was assigned to Carolin Bellstedt
Task was completed
This task was created by the system
Task was completed
This task was created by the system
Task was completed
This task was created by the system
Task was completed
This task was created by the system
I've discussed this before with Guus. The problem is when the chat works it will be like any other chat where the latest message appears at the bottom. So then …
Got it, thanks :) I was wondering if there wasn't a more efficient way, like importing bibteX or other formats.
This was now sorted. A batch script has fixed the links, and whenever a user enters a twitter handle and includes the URL, then it's stripped before it's saved.
Status change: Open → Completed
Status change: On Hold → In Progress
Status change: In Progress → On Hold
Yes, good point Anne! Bibtex is something we are working on. I'll add a task to keep track of progress ;-)
New task was created
Hi Anne,
Quick notice! We saw that one of the publications you added actually already existed -- sorry!! Some already do exist, some don't. I will be building a quick …
Task was assigned to Gerardo
Status change: Open → In Progress
Status change: Completed → Open
Status change: Open → Completed
Whoops! I don't think there was a visualisation added here
Status change: In Progress → On Hold
Hi Gerardo, were you able to find a visualisation? I couldn't find the full article actually
New task was created
Status change: Open → In Progress
I've started writing the manual here.
Task was completed
This task was created by the system
Anne, the search function is now in place. At the top of the page where you add a new entry there is a search box -- please start typing the …
New task was created
New task was created
Task was assigned to Paul Hoekman
Status change: Open → Completed
Status change: Open → In Progress
Status change: In Progress → Completed