• Institution:
    Metabolic, Studioninedots, DELVA Landscape Architects, Frank Alsema, Saskia Muller, Peter Dortweg
  • E-mail:
  • Project website

Circular Buiksloterham

Buiksloterham, a former industrial area in Amsterdam North, is being re-developed to a working/housing area. Together with a consortium of local stakeholders we coordinated the Circular Buiksloterham study to investigate Buiksloterham’s potential to become a world-class living lab for Circular Cities.

On the basis of a business-as-usual analysis of the development of Buiksloterham in 2014 and in 2034, we crafted a vision with ambitious performance goals. Together with local stakeholders, specific interventions were designed and translated into a roadmap and actionplan. On March 5th, 2015 Buiksloterham was launched as the Netherland’s first living lab for smart, circular and biobased urban development.

We produced a detailed report supporting the transition of Buiksloterham to a circular neighborhood.  Over 25 local stakeholders committed to the vision and goals by signing a manifesto that will guide the area’s development over the coming decades.
