Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS)

Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute) is a public-private institute founded in 2014 by Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), together with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). We are a young and ambitious international institute at the forefront of innovation, situated at the nexus between industry, government and academia. Engaging and developing the latest technology and science with research, experiments and projects in the city of Amsterdam, we take on the challenges posed by our rapidly urbanizing world. Our mission is to develop a deep understanding of the city – sense the city – to design solutions for its challenges, and integrate these into the city of Amsterdam. Our research portfolio revolves around applied technology in themes such as water, energy, waste, food, data and mobility, and integrating these themes to create an innovative, sustainable and just city. AMS Institute is involved in over 100 projects that focus on securing a city that is innovative, sustainable and just. What makes AMS Institute unique is that we valorize our research in practice, using the city of Amsterdam as a living lab: a valuable context for experiments that helps develop and test advanced solutions for challenges in urbanized metropolitan areas around the globe. The three core pillars of the institute are Research & Valorization, an Education Program and a Value platform. Our own Master’s program Metropolitan Analysis Design & Engineering (MSc MADE), is the latest addition to our educational activities.

Research Institution