Gordon Research Conference: The Impact of Data Science Advances on Industrial Ecology and Sustainability Systems Science
New ways of accessing and analyzing data from diverse sources – ranging from satellite data, metabolic data, consumer surveys, health data, cell phones, social media and citizen science engagements – are transforming both industrial ecology and sustainable systems science. This GRC will explore cutting edge innovations in data and data science as they impact: 1) Core industrial ecology methods (i.e., material flow analysis, input-output analysis, life cycle assessment, and industrial symbiosis), and, 2) Our understanding of key provisioning systems (mobility, food, energy, water and cyber), as they shape multiple sustainable development goals related to the environment, human well-being, equity and resilience. Data science advancements will include data science methodological innovations as well as the science of co-producing data, knowledge and insights among researchers and communities of practice, essential for linking research with policy and action for a sustainable society.